Hombre excel 200 ml (Imidacloprid, Tebuconazole) for Seed Treatment


Brand: Bayer

Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid 360 g/L Tebuconazole 12.5 g/L

Pack Size: 200ml

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About Hombre Excel

Hombre excel is a practical and affordable pre-mix that mixes with the fungicide Raxil(r) which is used to combat diverse smuts, such as bunt – and its broad-spectrum insecticide Gaucho(r) for an extended protection against feed destruction caused by cereal Aphids. This aphid-control method also helps to reduce the spread of the barley yellow dwarf virus, which is believed to be among the deadliest cereal virus that exists. In addition, because of Gaucho, the Gaucho ingredient, Hombre Ultra will also manage the grain-borne pests that are stored.

Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid 360 g/L Tebuconazole 12.5 g/L

Pack Size: 200ml

What are the benefits of treating my seed?

Seed treatment offers the most precise, (cost-) effective efficient, sustainable and eco-friendly method of protecting your crop. Seed treatment can help reduce cost of initial up-front expenses, since your crop is secured from the time of planting. The treatment continues to protect throughout the crucial initial stages of germination and establishment. The active ingredient covers the surface of the seed, which means it’s always where it’s needed and the quantity of chemicals required to protect your crops is drastically reduced. Hombre Ultra fits well within any IPM plan and allows for monitoring of your crop and timely application of foliar fungicides.


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