Gibberex Kanzo 10 Gram | Gibberellic Acid Price in Pakistan


Brand: Kanzo

Product Name: Gibberex

Active Ingredients: Gibberellic Acid

Weight: 10 Gm

Speciality: Growth Regulator

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Gibberellic Acid Price in Pakistan: A Growth Hormone for Plants

Gibberellic acid price in Pakistan is 300 Rs. In Gibberex packet 10 gram gibberellic acid include. Gibberellic acid, often abbreviated as GA, is a plant growth regulator that has fascinated botanists and agricultural scientists for decades. This naturally occurring hormone plays a crucial role in regulating various aspects of plant growth and development. In this blog, we will explore what gibberellic acid is, how it functions, its applications in agriculture, and its potential impact on crop yields.

What is Gibberellic Acid?

Gibberellic acid is a plant hormone belonging to a group of compounds known as gibberellins. These gibberellins are produced by plants themselves, although they can also be synthesized for agricultural purposes. Gibberellic acid was first isolated from a fungus, Gibberella fujikuroi, which caused abnormal elongation of rice plants, leading to a condition known as “foolish seedling disease.” This discovery marked the beginning of our understanding of the crucial role gibberellic acid plays in plant growth. Gibberellic acid price in Pakistan is very reasonable.

How Does Gibberellic Acid Function?

Gibberellic acid influences plant growth and development in several ways:

  1. Stem Elongation: One of the most well-known effects of gibberellic acid is its ability to promote stem elongation. This is particularly important for crops like wheat and rice, where taller plants often result in higher yields.
  2. Germination: Gibberellic acid is involved in breaking seed dormancy and promoting germination. It does so by stimulating the synthesis of enzymes that break down stored starches into sugars, which the developing seedling can use as a source of energy.
  3. Flowering: In some plant species, gibberellic acid regulates flowering by influencing the production of floral buds and the timing of flowering events.
  4. Fruit Development: Gibberellic acid can also affect fruit development by promoting cell division and elongation, leading to larger fruit size.

Applications in Agriculture

Gibberellic acid has several important applications in agriculture:

  1. Increased Crop Yields: By promoting stem elongation, gibberellic acid can help increase crop yields, particularly in cereal crops like wheat, rice, and barley.
  2. Fruit Size Enhancement: In horticulture, gibberellic acid is used to increase the size of fruit, making them more appealing to consumers.
  3. Breaking Seed Dormancy: In some cases, seeds of certain plants require gibberellic acid treatment to break dormancy and promote germination. This is especially useful for seed propagation.
  4. Regulating Flowering: Gibberellic acid can be used to induce flowering in certain plant species out of season, allowing for year-round production of flowers or fruit.
  5. Seedless Fruit Production: Gibberellic acid is used to produce seedless fruit in crops like grapes and watermelons by preventing the development of seeds within the fruit.

Gibberellic Acid Price in Pakistan

Gibberellic Acid Price in Pakistan very cheap on kissan shop. Gibberellic acid of kanzo company is available on kissan shop. It’s brand name is Gibberex. Every company has it’s own brand name. Order now to buy Gibberellic acid.

Gibberellic Acid Dose

Gibberellic acid minimum dose is 10 gram per Acre.

gibberellic acid

Considerations and Conclusion

While gibberellic acid offers numerous benefits in agriculture, its use should be approached with caution. Over-application can lead to excessive stem elongation, which may make plants susceptible to lodging (falling over) in wind or heavy rain. Additionally, the cost of gibberellic acid and its potential impact on the environment should be considered.

In conclusion, gibberellic acid is a fascinating plant hormone with diverse applications in agriculture. Its ability to promote stem elongation, break seed dormancy, and regulate flowering and fruit development makes it a valuable tool for growers seeking to improve crop yields and fruit quality. As our understanding of plant hormones and their interactions continues to evolve, gibberellic acid will likely play an even more significant role in shaping the future of agriculture.

Gibberellic acid price in Pakistan is 300 Rs that’s very reasonable. Buy now Gibberex Kanzo from kissan shop.


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