Coragen 50ml (Chlorantraniliprole) by FMC


Brand: FMC

Active Ingredient: Chlorantraniliprole

Pack Size: 50ml

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Coragen Overview:

Coragen insecticide provides consistent and reliable control over a wide range of Lepidoptera pests. It is fast to interrupt the feeding cycle and leaves a long-lasting residual that repels pests. You can return to work quickly with a short re-entry period of just four hours and a preharvest interval that lasts one day.

Coragen insecticide control has a low impact on pollinators* and other beneficial insects* when used according to the label. This makes it an excellent fit for integrated pest management (IPM).

Coragen is the world’s most popular active ingredient. It is available on over 300 crops in 80 different countries. Coragen is a natural enemy population and pollinator protector. It supports IPM programs. Coragen provides consistent control for codling moth and oriental fruit moth as well as peach twigborer, navel orangeworm and other pests in stone fruits, pome fruit and grapes. Coragen’s larvicidal efficacy, long-lasting activity and crop protection are excellent. Coragen can be used for control by ingestion, contact, ovicidal treatment on some species, and ovi-larvicidal activity. Below are the key characteristics of Coragen


Armyworm, SBW American Bollworm Fruit Borer Leaf minor DBM, Armyworm SBW & ABW Codling moth Helicoverpa Leaf minor ABW


Maize (Corn), Cotton, Tomato, Cabbage/Cauliflower, Okra, Apple, Melons, Barseem

Active Ingredient: Chlorantraniliprole

Pack Size: 50ml


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